Pimping God's Word

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Pimping God's Word is inspired by the negative stories presented by the mass media regarding the downward spiraling trend of Christian values in today's churches and society at large. Church used to be a spiritual "filling station." A place where people who were broken in spirit, grieving, or morally bankrupt could come and be "filled" with the Divine Word of God. However, some of the church practices today run parallel to the greedy, corrupt, amoral, depressing and debilitating practices found on Wall Street, in major Corporate offices and in the ever encompassing legislatures at all levels of government. Christian churches then are devolving into just another place, another institution where worldly values are practiced as opposed to GODLY values. The Apostles, James, John, Paul and Peter all spoke of the day when Godly people would have to discern those who were truly God sent or called as opposed to those who are motivated by "filthy lucre" to teach and preach the Word of God. This book highlights some of the warning signs of these false teachers and preachers mentioned in the New Testament. As believers we must study to show ourselves approved and avoid becoming "Spoon Fed Christians."

Binding / Paperback: 256 pages

Publish Date: November 14, 2012